Monday, May 04, 2015

Infant Care

I was very happy with the news that I will be a father soon. And then started the care for 9 months. In excitement, we started planning for baby names, future plan, thinking about the way he or she may look, etc. We were blessed with a baby who was born on 22nd September 2014. At that moment I thought that now its all fun and I can play n enjoy with my baby. Once I was back home with my baby I realize that the care is not just over after 9 months. And the intensity of care is going to increase. Sharing my learning as a father which I came across as time passed by. Now my baby is close to 7 months old and has started crawling.Few times I have visited Pediatricians in Ahmedabad to get a better understanding of my child needs.
Learning in first week:-
  • Wash your hands before touching the baby. I found it hard to do it again and again. Hence I started using sanitizer.
  • Handle your baby sensitively especially take extra care for neck & head.
  • Don't play with your baby like a doll. E.g. Jumping with baby or running or tossing baby up in the air. Don't even try, you will have a furious mother looking at you like never before.
Learning in three month:-
  • Diapering your baby is not easy and I learned it hard way. Whenever he will have a bowel movement or diaper is wet, before you start make sure you have everything ready with you. E.g. next diaper which you are going to make your kid wear or where are you going to throw the old dirty diaper, etc.
  • Too much Usage of Diaper can cause diaper rash. So don't make baby diaper 24/7. We typically only used diaper when we are outside home. If you have to use diaper, try to frequently change them as soon as bowel movement is done. Let the baby go not diapered for some time. In case the rashes are there for more than 3 days, it could be a fungal infection. 
  • For Diaper rashes lasting more then 3 days I contacted people practicing Pediatrics in Ahmedabad and they guided me well, along with some more information on child care.
  • Umbilical cord falls off in close to a week or so.
  • Naval heals completely in a less than a month - In our case they applied some liquid ; I don't remember the name though. Few doctors recommend rubbing alcohol, while some recommends leaving the area alone. For this contact you can contact the pediatricians in Ahmedabad
Learning in six-seven months:-
  •  Sleeping : Initially sleeping duration of a baby is close to 16 - 18 hours and it slowly keep on decreasing to close 12 -13 hrs for a six to seven months old child. 
  • Once your baby starts crawling try to make sure that you block few things which baby can be hurt with. E.g. In my case I had electric switches at the lower part of the wall. I have got them sealed. Also I have moved my bedding from bed to the ground to reduce the chances of baby falling from a height.
  • My UPS and inverters were exposed, I have got a new cover for them. Basically try to make your home - child safe.
  • Check with your Child Specialist about the diets which needs to be changed. I discussed with Child Specialist in Ahmedabad and I have slowly started giving my baby a variety of food based on need which is slowly changing / improvising his digestion.
I am still going through this awesome journey of fatherhood. I will keep updating whenever I get chance.
Happy Fatherhood !!!

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